#Nottooyoungto2020 Campaign Launch
This is the message that we shared with all our attendees post-event:
Thanks for being a part of the Not Too Young To Campaign Launch on Friday last week. We feel so inspired and ready. 60+ of you joined us, with no one over the age 36 (based on a poll @ event start). We asked questions, heard some mic-dropping lines from our inspiring speakers, and danced to Bollywood music - so good. If you’re looking for some recaps and quotes, look up our event hashtag #nottooyoungto2020 on social media. We’ll share snippets from the conversation on our channels in the coming weeks as well.
Look forward to: Step-by-step on running for local council
For the 50%+ of you who are thinking about running this year or in the future, we’re putting together an easy-to-understand toolkit. This will include a checklist of everything you need to consider and do when running, including campaigning tips. We’ll make an announcement when it’s available later this month.
Getting involved: What you can do right now
A few of you have reached out directly to us asking how you can contribute to this project. Here are 3 things you can do right now:
Answer the survey — We have a short survey about the state of local council today, from the eyes of young people. It should only take about 2-3 minutes to complete. This will help us find out about how young people in Victoria feel about local council, its role, its influence, and whether it is accessible as a vehicle for young people to make an impact. If you haven't already, we’d love for you to share it widely with your networks so we can get better insights to inform our work.
‘Be Brave or Back the Brave’ movement to amplify the profiles of all the young people being brave and trying to change the status quo of politics and assist in connecting them with a community of people that are available and willing to donate as little or as much of their time to help them with what they need. We developed this in response to the conversation on Fri night.
Planning to run or want to support those that are?
Let us know by filling out this form: https://bit.ly/2CeVE5m
Link to directory:
Your details will then be added to this live directory where you can access a list of young people running for local council, and a list of people willing to help you with your election campaign.
Link to directory: https://bit.ly/2Cfd6GW
Facebook Group — Responding to popular demand from the Campaign Launch, we’ve also set up the Not too young to (VIC) Facebook Group to enable young people and supporters of young candidates to connect, collaborate, and back one another. We encourage members to share resources, opportunities, and news relating to civic engagement in Victoria.