
Educating young people about our political system can generate an informed interest in politics and help rebuild trust in our democracy.

Our Three Programs

Our three programs: AusPol101, Parliament Wrap Up, and TLDR are all about making political and civic education accessible again.


Schools-based civics education programs have failed to equip young people with the tools, knowledge and experience that promote and encourage active citizenship. Young people feel ill-equipped to participate in the political process and aren't taught the knowledge or skills to confidently participate in our political process. 

AusPol101 is an accessible and engaging resource for young people to learn about the fundamentals of Australian politics, encouraging active and informed political participation.


Parliament Wrap-Up

The culture of formalised politics can come across as one of conflict, cynicism and distrust, resulting in a lack of political authenticity for young viewers. Key issues and important messages can get lost amidst the dramatic unfolding of Question Time–often the only televised exposure that many young people have to parliamentary processes. 

Our parliamentary wrap-ups bring back policy into politics by providing readers with highlights, key issues and decisions as they unfold in our parliament. 



News about Australian politics can be hard to understand and follow. We've got you covered with simple explainers on everything that was too long and you didn't read.

TL;DR gives you everything you need to know to stay on top of important issues as they unfold in an easy to understand way.

Candidate Stories


Dev Oza: Leading with energy, compassion and optimism.

“Our generation is the most educated generation that the world has ever seen and has the privilege and the responsibility to drive change. If we won’t, who will?”


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