Anjalee de Silva: Stepping up for our planet and our communities
Edited by Thenu Herath
Anjalee de Silva has worked as a lawyer for over a decade in London, Hong Kong, and Melbourne. She is also an academic, and recently completed her PhD in anti-discrimination law. Anjalee has been committed to issues of social and environmental justice throughout her life and career, and has significant expertise in effecting social justice outcomes for vulnerable members of communities.
Currently, she is running as a Greens candidate for Mount Waverley Ward in the City of Monash council elections.
“...over the last few years, I’ve watched a majority of the Council ignore issues that are important to women and minorities again and again. Instead, our councils should represent all of us, and I want to be part of that change in Monash.”
What inspired you to run for council in the City of Monash?
I’m running for Mt Waverley Ward to join Councillor Josh Fergeus as the second ‘Green’ on Monash Council. I’m running because I strongly believe that our elected representatives need to understand and work on behalf of all members of our local community, and because I strongly feel that that isn’t happening at the moment.
Monash is a large suburban Council, with 200,000 residents living right in the middle of Melbourne’s expanding multicultural population. 52% of our population is female, and yet only 2 out of 11 current Councillors are women. 45% of our population were born overseas, and more than a third are from non-English-speaking backgrounds, yet only 1 out of 11 current Councillors is a person of colour. And, over the last few years, I’ve watched a majority of the Council ignore issues that are important to women and minorities again and again. Instead, our councils should represent all of us, and I want to be part of that change in Monash.
What are the key causes and impact areas you are championing?
If elected, I would do my utmost to work as part of a Greens team to deliver outcomes that best serve all residents and ratepayers.
I’m particularly passionate about retaining our garden city character, and about creating a community that's as safe and liveable as possible - for as many people as possible. Mount Waverley is such a beautiful, nature-filled place to live – perfect, actually, for a Green in the suburbs – and I’ll fight to make sure that remains the case.
I’m also passionate about combatting violence against women and girls and improving factors that influence public safety, including the physical design of our urban environment.
Finally, I’m deeply conscious that Council has a key role to play in tackling the Climate Emergency. Measures directed at reducing emissions and assisting communities to adapt to climate change are critically important and, in my view, Monash can do much more.
What is your message to other young people who may have thought about running too?
You never know when your voice and efforts could make a change for the better in someone else’s life. Now more than ever, we need committed, inspired young people who are willing to step up and do their bit for our planet and our communities. If you think you have something positive to contribute, you should absolutely go for it!
Anjalee de Silva is a Greens candidate for Mount Waverley Ward in the City of Monash council elections. You can follow her campaign via: